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Friday, September 11, 2009

Article 2 : LoVe

Love is taking care of yourself first. Love is taking responsibility for your own well-being and your own emotions.

Once you have learned to love yourself, once you dare to do what you like doing, once you are following the voice of your heart, you will radiate joy and satisfaction. This beam, or charisma, is automatically passed on to others and they will feel attracted to you.

It is like a cup that is overflowing. What is your cup filled with? Is your cup "filled" with emptiness, (self) hate, envy, doubts, intolerance or fear? Well, in that case it will be emptiness, (self) hate, envy, doubts, intolerance or fear that you are passing on to others.

To love is to make sure your own cup is abundantly filled with love, beauty, well-being, satisfaction, joy and enthusiasm, and to let your cup flow over into other people's lives.

If you expect someone else to fill your cup, then you are entangled in a painful illusion. This kind of relationship is sadly not about love but rather about a power struggle, control, fear and envy.

To love somebody is to first make sure you yourself are feeling good, and then to radiate out this positive state of being and offer it to the other as a free gift.
In the following articles you can read more about how to learn and practice loving yourself and how you can build a balanced, loving relationship with yourself and others.

This is some phrase I want to share with everybody.

Love is hard to find,
Impossible to forget,
Love for some one is nothing,
Beloved by someone you love is exiting.

Love is so subjective. Love to God, love to our self, love to parents, love to others, love to peace and many else. Love is very pleasing from God. So, we should thankful to him because give us this feeling. We should love our self first because love is taking responsibility for our own well being and our emotions.