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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Essei 1 : iLlegaL RaCinG

Now days, illegal racing among youth is a very popular social problem. The meaning of illegal racing is riding a motorcycle over the speed limit was invariable by government. They also ride motorcycle which can cause danger to their self and other people on the road. They like to show many actions while they are on the road because they want to prove everybody they are great.

Many factors are the cause of illegal racing such as lack of love and attention, influence from their friends and mass media and also lack of religious background. The main factor youth can snare in illegal racing is their lack of love and attention from their parents. Some parents, both of them have their own career and they are busy with their work until they are not concerned about their children and sometimes let go at their responsibilities to their servant. They do not spent time for their children even in the weekend to ask them about school, their problems, their friends and many things. Because are parents too busy with their work, they do not care about their children. They do not control them and guide them and worst thing is they do not know where their children are and let go their children to hang out with their friend at any time. Some parents, they discriminate among siblings and differentiate between them. At all times the eldest would not get the most concern and love from their parents like the youngest always get. Parents cannot do that because it is not good especially to teenagers while growing up.

The second factor as we know is influence from friends. Most of the teenagers spend most of their time loitering with their friends rather than with their family. They are happier with friends than family. They thought friends are important, it is true but family is most important. Teenagers is always curious want to try something new in their life like how it feels to ride motorcycle over the speed limit and show many danger was happen. They do like that because they want to prove to their friends that they are also cool and great.

Mass media also give many influences to teenagers. In electronic media, many action movies are shown and some teenagers are interested to watch the movies and they are also trying to act like in the movie. Now days, there are many entertainment programs than educations program, because teenagers like entertainment program. As a student, we must watch education program like Al-Kuliyah, perdana debate and forum to learn something new and can open our mind and must watch less entertainment program because it does not have benefits and just to release tension every study.

The fourth sector is lack of religious background. Some parents are not being a good role model for their children. They also do not behave themselves to be good parents. Parents do not teach and exposed their children about their religion and did not practice about abstention and prohibition our religion. If parents do not have enough knowledge about religion to teach their children, they must send their children to people who can teach about religion. So that their children know how to behave themselves and know their limits while mixing with their friends. Some parents also thought that religion is old fashioned and not necessary to follow the religion.

The conclusion is, all disputes must responsible to care our young fellow for our country in the future. Parents also must give more attention to their children especially if have social problem and be their close friends to make them happy and can tell them everything without any gap between parents and their children. One most important thing is we must choose the right friends, who can be good friends and who can be our enemy.